As I know that Sociolinguistic told about the relationship between language and the using in the society. Many communities make use of a complex system of linguistic levels in order to show respect to each other.the levels will partly reflect a sytesm of social classes or castes, but choice of forms may be influenced by several other factors, such as age, sex, kindship relationships, occupation, religious affiliation, or number of possessions.
In Javanese, for axemple, choice of level can in addition be affected by the social setting of a conversation, its subject matter, or the history of contact between the participant. There are variaties language and the usage is different, wich each function in the society. Based on the causing of the different language, there are two classes in the society :
1. from the nobility
2. from the state of social was marked by the level education and situation of their economy.
For showing of the relationship between nobility and language, we can take the example from the speech of Java language in the society. There are fourth levels in Kuntjraningrat: Wong cilik, Wong Sudagar, Priyayi,and Ndara.
Based on these levels, so in Javanese there are variaties language in accordance the levels of social. With variation language based on the level of social, similar by Undak Usuk. For example: If wong cilik talk with priyayi or ndara; or petani haven’t an education with ndara have an education, so each of them use different of Java language.
The lower level of social would speech with the higher of level from them, so they would use Krama, and the higher level would speech with the lower level by ngoko. As the example below in the table:
Where are you going? I want go home
The Level Variation The Level Variation
1. Sampeyan ajeng teng pundi?
2. Panjenengan badhe tindak (dhateng) pundi?
1. Kowe arep menyang endi?
2. Slirane/panjenengan arep tindak/menyang endi?
1. Sampean ajeng teng pundi?
2. Panjenengan badhe tindak (dhateng) pundi?
1. Kowe arep menyang endi?
2. Slirane/panjenengan arep tindah/menyang endi?
_ Ngoko
1. Arep mulih
2. Arep mulih
1. Ajeng wangsul
2. Badhe wangsul
1. Ajeng wangsul
2. Badhe wangsul
1. Arep mulih
2. Arep mulih
For example; as soldier with his king,”Menapa pandjenengan bade dahar sekul kalijan kaspe samenika” he would use language high level by krama Inggil with his king. Its mean that the soldier respect the king. Because their classess is different, why ? because the soldier is lower class than the king, as the king is higher class. That example different usage language when in the street. The soldier would use Krama Biasa when he meet the king in the street. Causing of their classess is different. When the condition at a council meeting, its formal. But when the condition as the example in the street, its informal. So their condition different when their use Krama Inggil Language than Krama Biasa Language.
The other example as student between a teacher, the student would use high level by Krama Biasa with his teacher.”Menapa sampejan bade neda sekul kalijan kaspe samenika” Its mean, for respect with his teacher. This even causing of classess. That student class is lower than teacher.
But when some people meet with his lass friend and they rare meet, so he would use middle level of Madya. For example ”Napa sampejan adjeng neda sekul lan kaspe saniki ?” its mean that he express for his missing with lass friend and they rare meet. Also they respect about their friendship.
When someone meet with his friend, in daily he would use low level by Ngoko Madya. For example “Apa sampejan arep neda sega lan kaspe saiki?” its mean that, they feel as usually with their condition, there is no different class between them, because their classess of the same degree or level.
But when people meet with younger people, he would use Low level of Ngoko Biasa. “Apa kowe arep mangan sega lan kaspe saiki?” its mean that his level higher than him (younger people). There is impolite between them.
The summary from this analyses that the language change cause of classess person. When some person higher level than the other, they would use appropriate level of them. Its useful for respect between them.
But this language have been used before modern language. After modern language came, that language rare to use with Javanese person. Because they consider that ‘there is no social classess and there is no differences between them’. The origin of Javanese language have been changed from century to century. When in the big city the Java of language rare to use, may be cause of lost of the nobility. With the change for addressing the level is from their economy.
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