Procedure text
Social function/communicative purpose:to describe something which is accomplished through a sequence of action or steps.
Generic structures: goal, material, steps (hoe to arrange the activity.
Lexical grammatical features: imperative, present tense.
Descriptive text
Social function/communicative purpose: to describe someone or something
Generic structures: identification, description.
Ex: advertisement, broscur, announcement, black bird (descripction)
Lexico grammatical features: present tense (more dominant), pronoun.
Contoh Black bird (identification) :
We provide: 40 passangers bus and 20 passangers bus.
We serve: java and bali
Further information call no 233994 cirebon.
Narrative text
The purpose is to entertain, to gain and hold a readers interest.
Generic structures:
Features, structure, orientation (story setting), complication or problem of the story, resolution
Generic features:
The lexical grammatical text: simple past tense, temporal sequence.
Dialogue: direct speech.
Recount text
Communicative purpose: to re tell past event
Generic structures: orientation, event 1, event 2, event 3.
Lexico grammatical features:simple past, temporal sequence, specific participant.
Recount text can be oral and written form.
Event is activity that has be done by characters.
Recount text: must be used on our experience not hby our imagination. (by data that we’ve got), dominant by using simple past, it is non-fiction.
Example: three years a go, thi morning (past time.
Analyses of descriptive text:identification, descriptive of one’s activities, descriptive of situation, condition, other sides.
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tx lho.. sangat membantu
BalasHapusterimakasih ya
BalasHapusmakasih atas bantuanya sangat membantu lkami
BalasHapusthx for you blogg :)
BalasHapusmbak atur spasi'a ya... biar mata gg bingung baca'a
BalasHapusperbedaan antara social function apa